Below function takes input as Taxonomy Store, Term Group, Term Set, and Array of Terms, and checks if there is any Group, Set, Terms, with given values exists in Term Store, and if they do not exists it creates Term Group, Set and Terms.
1 using System;
2 using System.Collections.Generic;
3 using System.Linq;
4 using System.Text;
5 using System.IO;
6 using System.Net;
7 using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
8 using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Taxonomy;
11 namespace CreateSPTermGroupSetAndTerms
12 {
13 class Program
14 {
15 static void Main(string[] args)
16 {
17 CreateTermGroupAndTermSetAndAddTerms("Managed Metadata Service", "TestGroup1", "TestG1S2", new string[] { "TestS2T1", "TestS2T2" });
18 }
20 static void CreateTermGroupAndTermSetAndAddTerms(string termStoreName, string termGroupName, string termSetName, string[] termsList)
21 {
22 using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(ConfigurationConstants.XYZSharepointSiteCollectionUrl))
23 {
24 NetworkCredential credentials = new NetworkCredential(ConfigurationConstants.XYZSharepointAdminUserName,ConfigurationConstants.XYZSharepointAdminUserPassword, ConfigurationConstants.XYZSharepointDomain);
25 clientContext.Credentials = credentials;
27 Web web = clientContext.Web;
29 TaxonomySession taxonomySession = TaxonomySession.GetTaxonomySession(clientContext);
30 clientContext.Load(taxonomySession, ts => ts.TermStores);
31 clientContext.ExecuteQuery();
33 if (taxonomySession != null)
34 {
35 TermStore termStore = null; var cTermStore = -1;
36 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(termStoreName)) return;
37 try
38 {
39 cTermStore = taxonomySession.TermStores.Where(s => s.Name == termStoreName).Count();
40 termStore = taxonomySession.TermStores.GetByName(termStoreName); clientContext.Load(termStore, tStore => tStore.Name, tStore => tStore.Groups); clientContext.ExecuteQuery();
41 }
42 catch { }
44 if (termStore != null && cTermStore > 0)//term store exists
45 {
46 TermGroup myTermGroup = null;
47 var cTermStoreGroups = -1;
48 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(termGroupName)) return; // if input group name is empty do nothing
49 try
50 {
51 cTermStoreGroups = termStore.Groups.Where(s => s.Name == termGroupName).Count();
52 myTermGroup = termStore.Groups.GetByName(termGroupName); clientContext.Load(myTermGroup, gs => gs.TermSets); clientContext.ExecuteQuery();
53 }
54 catch { }
56 if (myTermGroup == null || cTermStoreGroups == 0) //term group not exists create now
57 {
58 myTermGroup = termStore.CreateGroup(termGroupName, Guid.NewGuid());
59 TermSet myTermSet = myTermGroup.CreateTermSet(termSetName, Guid.NewGuid(), 1033);
61 if (termsList != null)
62 {
63 foreach (string termValue in termsList)
64 {
65 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(termValue))
66 {
67 Term newCreatedTerm = myTermSet.CreateTerm(termValue, 1033, Guid.NewGuid());
68 //newCreatedTerm.CreateLabel("Label", 1033, false);
69 }
70 }
71 }
72 clientContext.ExecuteQuery();
73 LogMessages.Instance.LogMessageToTextFile(" Successfully created Termgroup: " + termGroupName + " term set: " + termSetName + " added terms ");
74 }
75 else // if term group already exists
76 {
77 TermSet myTermSet = null;
78 var cTermGroupSets = -1;
79 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(termSetName)) return;// if input term set is empty do nothing
80 try
81 {
82 cTermGroupSets = myTermGroup.TermSets.Where(s => s.Name == termSetName).Count();
83 myTermSet = myTermGroup.TermSets.GetByName(termSetName); clientContext.Load(myTermSet, gs => gs.Terms); clientContext.ExecuteQuery();
84 }
85 catch { }
87 if (myTermSet == null || cTermGroupSets == 0) //term set not exists create now
88 {
89 myTermSet = myTermGroup.CreateTermSet(termSetName, Guid.NewGuid(), 1033);
90 if (termsList != null)
91 {
92 foreach (string termValue in termsList)
93 {
94 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(termValue))
95 myTermSet.CreateTerm(termValue, 1033, Guid.NewGuid());
96 }
97 }
98 clientContext.ExecuteQuery();
99 LogMessages.Instance.LogMessageToTextFile(" Successfully created term set: " + termSetName + " added terms ");
100 }
101 else //if term set already exists
102 {
103 if (termsList != null)
104 {
105 foreach (string givenTermValue in termsList)
106 {
107 try
108 {
109 TermCollection myTermCollection = myTermSet.Terms;
110 clientContext.Load(myTermCollection, myTC => myTC.Include(termsAlreadyInSystem => termsAlreadyInSystem.Name)); clientContext.ExecuteQuery();
111 //check if given terms already exists
112 bool atLeastOneTermValueNotExistsInTermSet = false;
114 bool termValueAlreadyExistsWithInTermSet = false;
115 foreach (Term termInShareTermSet in myTermCollection)
116 {
117 if (givenTermValue.ToLower().Trim() == termInShareTermSet.Name.ToLower().Trim())
118 {
119 termValueAlreadyExistsWithInTermSet = true;
120 LogMessages.Instance.LogMessageToTextFile(" Term with name " + givenTermValue + " already exists in term set: " + termSetName);
121 break;
122 }
123 }
124 if (!termValueAlreadyExistsWithInTermSet) // if term not exists add now
125 {
126 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(givenTermValue))
127 myTermSet.CreateTerm(givenTermValue, 1033, Guid.NewGuid());
128 atLeastOneTermValueNotExistsInTermSet = true;
129 }
131 if (atLeastOneTermValueNotExistsInTermSet)
132 {
133 clientContext.ExecuteQuery();
134 LogMessages.Instance.LogMessageToTextFile(" Successfully added not existing terms to term set: " + termSetName);
135 }
136 }
137 catch (Exception ex)
138 {
139 if (ex.Message.Contains("There is already a term with the same default label and parent term"))
140 LogMessages.Instance.LogMessageToTextFile(" Term with name " + givenTermValue + " already exists in term set: " + termSetName);
141 else
142 throw ex;
143 }
144 }
145 }
146 }
147 }
148 }
149 else
150 {
151 LogMessages.Instance.LogMessageToTextFile(" Term store with name " + termStoreName + " not exists ");
152 }
153 }
154 }
155 }
156 }
158 public class ConfigurationConstants
159 {
160 public static string XYZLogFileLocation = @"C:\\LogFile.txt";
161 public static string XYZSharepointSiteCollectionUrl = "http://sharepointservername:100/";
162 public static string XYZSharepointDomain = "domainName";
163 public static string XYZSharepointAdminUserName = "UserName";
164 public static string XYZSharepointAdminUserPassword = "Password";
165 }
215 }
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